The Aga Khan Museum is a museum of Islamic art, Iranian art and Muslim culture. It showcases artifacts from the entire range of Muslim culture and his
Total Cost Per Senior: $24.00
The address is 77 Wynford Drive, North York, Ontario M3C 1K1.
Directions to the Museum: 401 West; South on Don Valley Parkway; off-ramp at Wynford Drive; turn right on Wynford Drive then left into the Aga Khan Museum Parking Garage.
There is underground parking and the daily flat rate is $10. Payment can be made at machines found in the parking areas, contactless online at The Aga Khan Museum, or the Visitor Services desk inside the Museum.
We will have a “You-Pay Late-Lunch or Early Dinner” at the Pickle Barrel restaurant in Pickering for us to unwind and share our reflections and impressions of everything we learned at the Aga Khan Tour.
Pickle Barrel address: 1809 Liverpool Rd (west side of Pickering Town Centre)