Time: Social hour – 11:30 a.m.to 12:30 p.m.
Lunch - 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $40.00 for members and $50.00 for guests
Entertainment: Deidrey Francois
Menu: Choice of Butternut Squash soup or Gourmet Caesar Salad. Entree choice of roast turkey or blackened salmon or stuffed pepper (vegan), warm apple and peach crumble for dessert, tea or coffee. Gratuities are included.
Sign ups will be at the October and November general meetings at the sign-up table. Sign-up forms are available in the newsletter or on the website.
Please bring your completed form to the general meeting with your cheque made payable to PROBUS Club of Durham West. Cheques will not be cashed until we have enough people to make this event happen.
Conveners: Sharon Castellarin (sharoncastellarin@bell.net) and Lorna Smith (lsmith1@bell.net)