Les Miserables in Concert at Westben
Experience the music of one of the most moving musicals in history. An all-star cast assembles at The Barn to bring to life all the favourite musical moments from this international hit. Featuring Adam Fisher, Robert Longo, Caitlin Wood, David Michael Moote, Maher Pavri & Kim Dafoe.
This venue includes picnic grounds, a snack bar and the Milkshed Bar which serves beer and wine. The grounds open 90 minutes before each performance. You are asked to arrive at least 30 minutes before the show.
You may opt to join us for dinner at the Mill Restaurant at your own cost at 5:30 p.m. in Cobourg
This is a self-drive/carpool event.
Please indicate if you will be joining us for dinner as we need a firm number for reservations.
COST: $52.00 (concert only)
CONVENORS: Maria Bawcutt bamb63e@gmail.com Sharon Fenn slf809@hotmail.com