PROBUS Club of Durham West


Nibbles at Night is an informal gathering of a small group of Durham West PROBUS members who meet once a month to share good conversation, snacks and a drink. 

On the third Friday each month one member hosts the group at their home.

Our Nibbles group is currently at capacity.

Contact:  Fran Griffin using our directory (Members Only)   


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Our December Nibbles group was hosted by Sandy and Karl Clarke.  What a wonderful evening it was. We all contributed to a Pot Luck organized by Sandy and Karl which resulted in a full Christmas Feast of baked ham, salads, vegetables, baskets of bread and rolls and yummy desserts. Everyone showed up in their festive attire and had such a great time that the consensus was that we should do it all again next Christmas. 

Merry Christmas to all our Probus members from the Nibbles-at-Night group.

Fran Griffin, Nibbles Co-ordinator


Our November Nibbles was hosted by Kay and Ulf in their lovely home which was beautifully decorated for Christmas. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed a wide variety of “nibbles”.


October Nibbles, hosted by Maria & Bob Bawcutt, was another great evening with 19 members enjoying a variety of appetizers and sharing lots of stories and laughs.


September Nibbles at Night was hosted by Sue Porter in her lovely home. Everyone had a wonderful time. Great bunch as always.


Our August Nibbles at Night was hosted by Maria and Bob Bawcutt. As always a great time was had by all including brilliant conversation of course, and lots of laughter.


Another great evening of outdoor Nibbles hosted by Fran Griffin and attended by 18 members + 2 guests from Montreal. It was a delightful gathering with yummy nibbles and lots of laughter, both good for the soul.”


A beautiful evening outdoors for our Nibbles at Night group hosted by Laura and Alan Lemay in their lovely backyard.

We had a bit of rain later in the evening but it didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits as we all moved indoors.


Our May Nibbles at Night group was hosted by Tess and Walter Matias. The weather cooperated enough for us to enjoy our first outdoor nibbles this year in their beautiful backyard. We covered many subjects through dynamic conversations all the while nibbling on a wide selection of delicious appetizers.


Our April Nibbles at Night was hosted by Liz Ryan. For the first time since before Covid, we had a full house of 24 members. The nibbles were plentiful and the desserts provided by our hostess were delicious. It was another fun-filled evening with a terrific bunch of people.


Our March Nibbles at Night was hosted by Dru and Jim Carter. It was a small group as many members were vacationing in Florida but that didn't keep everybody from having a great time and delicious Nibbles.


Our February Nibbles was hosted by Sandy and Karl Clarke.  Great fun as always with this group.


Our first meeting of the New Year was hosted by Gord and Evelyn Buske on January 20. A wonderful evening was had by all with lots of very boisterous laughter and invigorating conversations.

For archived images click on the link below:

Nibbles 2019 - 2022

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