PROBUS Club of Durham West |
How do I log in?Click on the "Log in" button at the top right corner of any page. This will direct you to a page where you provide your email address and password to log in. |
If you do not log in, you will not be able to access information that is for members only, for example signing up and paying for events, using our Members Only Directory or accessing Members Only pages on our website. |
I don't know my passwordWhether you forgot your password, or you never had one for this website, simply follow these few steps to get going. You have to be an active member with a valid email address on file with the Probus Club of Durham West. |
How do I change my password?There are 3 links in the top right corner of every page. Clicking on "Change password" will direct you to the respective page, where you provide old and new passwords to make the desired change. |
Alternatively, you could go through the process described above when you forgot your password. |