May 2024 e-Newsletter

Next General Meeting
Thursday, May 9, 2024
, at 10:00 a.m.
in the HMS Ajax Room - South Entrance
 Ajax Community Centre, 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, ON L1S 4S4.

President's Message

Welcome to our May newsletter. The patio furniture is out and the snow tires have been changed. Isn’t it a great time of the year?

Last month we were treated yet again 

to another fascinating presentation by Dr. Amy Barron. In November, Dr. Barron talked about Camp 30.  She returned last month to captivate members with entertaining and informative revelations about Agatha Christie and Archeology.  If you aren’t coming to our General Meetings and taking in these presentations, you’re really missing out.

We’ve been the target recently of some unwanted phishing emails.  These types of e-mails have happened before and are a result of our volunteers and members having their emails posted on our website and newsletter.  As such, personal e-mail addresses will only be available through our secure member directory on a go-forward basis.

Through the month of May, we will be removing the contact information of our Activity Group Leaders and Social Event Convenors from our public-facing site. We will be working with them during this period so that their contact information is available in our member directory.  We understand that this will be a small inconvenience to members but we need to protect our volunteers’ personal information.  I will be going through a few slides at our May General Meeting on how to use our members-only directory.  I will also review how to change your profile settings so that other members can be in touch with you.  As well, we are re-publishing information in this newsletter with a helpful link on how to adjust your profile settings.

As mentioned last month, we are featuring the role of Treasurer in more detail below.  We will need to fill this position next year as Liz Ryan will have completed a 3-year term, the maximum amount allowed under our by-laws.  If you like working with people and numbers, this role could be right for you.  Next month, we will feature the Membership role in more detail as we will also need to fill that role next year.

It’s also time to be thinking about filling the Vice President role next year as Alan takes over the reins as our next President.  Next year’s Vice President would move into the President’s role in 2026.  If you like working with an excellent team of motivated individuals and wish to give back to this wonderful club, please give us a call.

In May, of course, we celebrate Mother’s Day – an annual recognition of all our mothers – with us, or with us in spirit.

To borrow a quote: “A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” —Tenneva Jordan

To all the moms in our club, I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day.

Hope to see you at our General Meeting on May 9.

Walter Matias

Privacy Policy

Recently implemented data privacy laws in parts of the United States as well as Canada and Europe require that organizations which collect personal information or process credit card payments from their members, customers, or website visitors must have both a privacy policy and cookie policy for their website. We are not currently using cookies on our website so we don’t include that here.

We have updated the checkout process for all transactions made through our WildApricot website. As a part of the update, you will be prompted to review and accept our Privacy Policy as per the following screen:

You can also read our Privacy Policy by Clicking Here.


Coffee and tea are available at our General Meetings, during the break.

Help Wanted!


This month we are featuring the role of Treasurer.  A basic knowledge of computers and Microsoft Excel is required.

In the position, you will record and prepare cheques for Social and Club expenses as well as recording and reconciling incoming payments.  Once a year you will work with the Executive to prepare next year’s budget and monthly you will report to the Membership and Executive. 

With our adoption of Wild Apricot and our credit card payment system, AffiniPay, the role has changed and been made less time-consuming.  Initially, these two systems will probably take a couple of hours to learn and the rest comes with practice.  It’s probably on average an 8-hour commitment per month.

If you would like to explore the possibility of taking on this role but would like to know more before committing, consider a bit of job shadowing with Liz to see if it is right for you.  You can contact Liz Ryan using our directory.


Financial Advisor, IG Wealth Management 

Tax and Estate Planning: Your Estate Planning Roadmap 

This is a continuation of February's presentation.

Don visited us in February but due to our time constraints and the many questions posed by our members, he was unable to finish his presentation.  By popular demand, he is back this month to complete the presentation and answer more of your questions.

Don services numerous clients in the Durham Region and is here to discuss Estate and Tax Planning ideas, including how to reduce Probate Fees on death.

For more information on Don and past speakers Click here.


Our current membership stands at 260.

Guests may attend up to two meetings before deciding to join the Club.

New members can be identified by a blue lanyard and guests by a yellow lanyard. Please ensure that we give them a special welcome, so they get to know us.

NOTE:  If you arrive late for a meeting (after the front desk greeters have moved into the meeting room) please stop by the Membership Desk to be checked in.

Name Badges

Pictured above is new member Bill Houston who received his badge at the April General Meeting.  From left to right, Walter Matias (President), Bill Houston and Membership Co-Chair Bev Bicknell.

Welcome Bill!

Please remember to wear your name badge at ALL PROBUS meetings and events.

Your badge is important.  It identifies you as a member and makes it easier for your fellow members to greet you and get to know you. You may know your name but others don’t! It also serves as a level of security.

Note:  We have instituted a new procedure for those members attending our monthly meetings, who are not wearing their name badge. 

If you do not have your badge you will be asked to sign in using the "No Badge" sign-in sheet at the Membership desk. We had 10 members who signed our new record-keeping sheet at the April meeting.

After two instances of not having your badge, you will be asked to purchase a replacement. The cost of a replacement badge is $25.00.

Replacement badges can be obtained by asking at the membership desk or contacting us at

Bev & Dave Bicknell
Membership Co-Chair

Using Our Directory

We are asked from time to time by members if we have contact information for another member.

Everyone’s name is in the directory in the main menu bar on our website. (See image below).  However, many members haven’t updated their privacy settings, so their e-mail and phone numbers for example are available to other members.

If you want to change your settings, you can update your Profile and Privacy settings by logging into Wild Apricot and clicking on your name (on the top right - see screen shot below).  If you need a refresher on how to update your privacy settings Click Here.

For activity leaders wishing to check if someone still has an active membership, you can simply type in their name in the search field in the directory.  You must be logged in to gain access.

Remember – the directory is visible to logged-in members only.  The general public does not see this.

If you need help with technical issues related to Wild Apricot, please add your name to the Buddy System sign-up sheet located at the Membership Desk and someone will contact you to provide assistance.  

Suggestion Box

We have a Suggestion Box located at the Membership Desk. If you have any suggestions that you feel would make our club better, please write them down and put them in the suggestion box.  This might include proposed social events or activities. We are always looking for new ideas. 

The Management Team will review any suggestions received in the suggestion box that month at their monthly management meeting and post a response in the following month's Newsletter.

Share the Wealth

The Share the Wealth draw at our April General Meeting was won by Pat Bolger who received $80.05

Pat is pictured here with Walter Matias (President).

Congratulations Pat!

April Suggestions

There were no suggestions received at our April meeting.

Suggestions from prior months are saved on the Members Only page of our website.  Click here to see past suggestions..


The 2024 Budget has been posted on the Members Only page for your review. If you have any questions please contact us at

To access the document Click here.


Please note that there are NO REFUNDS if you sign up for an event and are unable to attend. You may have someone go in your place by getting payment from them and notifying the Convenor of the event of the change, along with the name and phone number of the person replacing you.

If registration for an event is currently at capacity, please feel free to join the waitlist. If someone has already registered but subsequently finds that they can't attend, you can purchase their ticket. In this case, the event convenor will contact the first person on the waitlist. This is done on a personal basis.  Wild Apricot is not involved.

Some of our members are unable to drive but would like to participate in social events.  If you are planning on driving to an event and are willing to share your ride with someone unable to drive, please contact the event convenor and let them know.  Likewise, if you need a ride, contact the event convenor so they can match you up with a driver.

PLEASE NOTE:  Many of our members suffer from allergies. In consideration of those who suffer from an allergy to scents, we ask that you please refrain from wearing perfume or aftershave when attending PROBUS gatherings or events. 



Thursday, May 16, 2024

Are you a rail fan? Are you interested in learning how GO trains are maintained, repaired and/or stored? Well, here is your opportunity to see what goes on at the Whitby Rail Maintenance Facility.

We have been offered an opportunity for 10 members to get a behind-the-scenes look at this facility.

This event is currently full but please add your name to the waitlist in case someone can't attend.

Cost:  No cost for this event

For more details Go to the Event.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Let's kick off summer with a picnic!

Our annual picnic is being held on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024.

The venue includes a covered picnic pavilion, so the fun will go on rain or shine!

This event is strictly limited to the first 100 registrants.

Cost:  $20.00

For more details and to register Go to the Event.


Tuesday, July 23 2024

To celebrate its 25th season, Westben is presenting the very best of its best Broadway music theatre presentations, with some favourite guest artists.

After the show, you may opt to join us for dinner at the Mill Restaurant and Pub, located at Cobourg Creek golf Club, 990 Ontario Street in Cobourg at your own cost.

Cost:  $59.00 (show only)

For more details and to register Go to the Event


September 15, 2024

Hello, Blue Jays baseball fans. 

We have secured 50 tickets for Sunday, September 15th at 1:37 p.m. against the St. Louis Cardinals.  

Cost:  $66.00

Registration is open as of May 1.

For more details Go to the Event


Click here for information and pictures of past events


At our March General Meeting, Sandra Clarke once again thanked the membership for their generous donations of toiletries, which were distributed to the less fortunate during the 2023 Holiday Season.

Sandy appealed to anyone who may have mugs hiding in their cupboards that are no longer being used, to consider donating them to the gift-giving for 2024.

Mugs can be brought to any General Meeting between now and October and given to Sandy Clarke.

For any questions please contact Sandy Clarke using our directory.


The PROBUS Club provides its members with the opportunity to join a wide variety of Activity groups. If you are interested in joining a group, the activity leaders are looking forward to hearing from you. Each group has a group leader and their contact information is available on the related webpage.

Ukelele Group Closed

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to our Ukelele group.

Many thanks to all those who participated and for the fun and friendship we enjoyed getting to know our instruments and the many songs we worked on together.

Keep on strumming along!

Sue Porter

Proposed New Cribbage Club

A suggestion was made at the March General Meeting to start a cribbage group. 

A sign-up sheet was available at the April General Meeting and will be available again at the May meeting.

There is already enough interest to start the group! 

However, we do need someone to volunteer to coordinate the group on an on-going basis.

If you are interested, please speak to Laura Lemay at the next meeting or send her an email using our directory.

Third Book Club

We are very excited that our 3rd book club is starting in May and will be meeting on the first Monday afternoon of each month (except July and August).

For more details contact Laura Lemay.

Click on Individual Clubs below.  Clubs with updates for this month are identified with  (**)

Food & Drink

Fitness & Fun

Arts/Special Interests

For updates on events for seniors, occurring in Ajax, such MPP Barnes' Seniors Lunch on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Go to Member's Corner

Sharing Our Recipe

Plum Kuchen

I got this recipe at the Corn Palace in Mitchell South Dakota.  It was a quick stop off the I90 on one of our westward journeys.  This town had an amazingly large community building completely faced with corncobs!  Of course we had to stop and, surprisingly there was a display of local products laid out in the arena and basketball court.  "The Big Guy" and I browsed around.  That is where I picked up this amazing recipe for a quick dessert! 

You can easily substitute peaches or apples  Enjoy!

Courtesy of Patricia Bolger

Go to Recipes


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